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Design Reflections


We chose a website as our medium to document our report because our genre analysis considers the two web genres - About Us and the letters from the CEO (housed within the SEAR reports). However, websites come with their own genre conventions. Therefore, explaining some of our design and communication choices was imperative. 


We used Ben and Jerry’s brand colours and images to simulate the look of the ice cream company. However, the company’s audience, product, and fun vibe contrasted with our professional report. So, we moved away from their custom typeface, graphics, and general tone to maintain a clean aesthetic, improve font readability, and enhance accessibility. 


In line with our goal to make the website accessible, we steered away from too much text on-screen, populated with too many images. We introduced each genre and offered a summary of our analysis. We converted our detailed analysis of the genres into two separate videos to avoid screen clutter and doom-scrolling. The videos include audio and corresponding visuals to guide the viewer and make the information more engaging. Because the videos have multiple visual elements, we did not want to clutter it further with on-screen captions. Therefore, both videos are accompanied by links to their respective transcription files.


 —Deea Deb

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